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The Womack Memorial CME Family

extends a Christian welcome to you.

We hope that something was said or done that would lead you to worship with us again. The Womack Memorial church family also thanks God for you, and we thank you for sharing your worship and praise with us.













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On December 12, 1966 in the home of Rev. Willie D. and Mary Copeland, 2441 Arsenal Avenue...



SUNDAY SCHOOL – Join us as we engage in a structured bible study every Sunday morning at 9:15 am

Be prepared for a healthy dialogue and spiritual counsel as we learn of God’s plan and purpose for our lives.


PRAISE AND WORSHIP – Nothing is better than being in the presence of God in the “Beauty of Holiness” as we usher in the regular Sunday morning worship service.  All are welcome to participate with song, prayer, praise, dance and testimony.  Praise and Worship services begin at 10:30 am


SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE – Bring your prayers and praise as we fellowship and celebrate the victory of serving God through Christ our Living Lord and Savior.  Choirs will be singing, preachers will be preaching and the Spirit of God will be moving.  For an augmented worship experience join us every Sunday morning at 11:00 am


MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY – Every Tuesday from 6:30pm-8:00pm Womack offers community Bible Study where the Word of God is explored and expounded upon.  Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (II Timothy 2:15) All ages are welcome.


BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION – The Board of Christian Education has the responsibility of organizing and administering the educational ministry and activities of the Church including the Sunday Church School, all Christian Youth and Young Adult Programs, Vacation Bible School, Weekday Schools, training classes and institutes for Church officers, Boards and auxiliaries.


To God be the Glory for all that He has done.



Church Officers / Committee Chairs

Florence Hayes

Director of Children's Work

Pauline Smith

Leader of Leaders

Bruce Ward

Men to Men Fellowship President

Malaika Ward

Usher Board President

Dr. Talitha Anderson

Vice Chair of Steward Board & Technology Chair - Lay Leader

Carolyn Carter

Missionary President

Donna Brown

Sunday School Superintendent & Director of Children's Outreach Ministry Bible Camp

Darnell Gee

Chairman of Trustee Board

Barbara Overton

President C.O.M.E

Brenda Sallier

Chairman of Steward Board

Nancy Grimes

Director of Youth

Min. Tasha Marshall Ratcliff

Director of Young Adult Ministry & Minister of the Church

Rev. Jessica Johnson

Ordained Local Preacher

Min. Mwandishi Williamson

Director of the Board of Christian Education & Minister of the Church

Donna Tracy

Social Media Chair

Min. Normal Spurlock

Minister of the Church

Min. Tamika Gee

Minister of the Church

Rexie Parker

Steward and Church Records Clerk


• The Outreach Ministry serves boys and girls in the community with an emphasis on leadership skills, with tutoring & recreation being part of the program.




The Womack Memorial C.M.E. Church family thank God for the dedication of the Pastor’s that have shepherded this flock and the members and friends, past and present who have given of themselves to the growth of this great Congregation.

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