SUNDAY SCHOOL – Join us as we engage in a structured bible study every Sunday morning at 9:15 am Be prepared for healthy dialogue and spiritual counsel as we learn of God’s plan and purpose for our lives.


PRAISE AND WORSHIP – Nothing is better than being in the presence of God in the “Beauty of Holiness” as we usher in the regular Sunday morning worship service.  All are welcome to participate with song, prayer, praise, dance and testimony.  Praise and Worship services begin at 10:30 am


SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE – Bring your prayers and praise as we fellowship and celebrate the victory of serving God through Christ our Living Lord and Savior.  Choirs will be singing, preachers will be preaching and the Spirit of God will be moving.  For an augmented worship experience join us every Sunday morning at 11:00 am


MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY – Every Tuesday from 6:30pm-8:00pm Womack offers community Bible Study where the Word of God is explored and expounded upon.  Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (II Timothy 2:15) All ages are welcome.





BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONThe Board of Christian Education has the responsibility of organizing and administering the educational ministry and activities of the Church including the Sunday Church School, all Christian Youth and Young Adult Programs, Vacation Bible School, Weekday Schools, Training Classes and Institutes for Church officers, Boards and auxiliaries.


For more information contact:


COMMISSION ON MEMBERSHIP AND EVANGELISMThe Commission on Membership and Evangelism works in cooperation with the Pastor in spreading the “Good News” of Jesus Christ and enhancing the spiritual life of the Congregation.


The Commission which is composed of representatives of the various organizations of the Church, establishes goals and special projects which are geared to spiritually energize the Church as well as the Community through it’s outreach initiatives.


For more information contact:








THE LAY COUNCIL The Lay Council of Womack adheres to the objectives of the Lay Department of the Connectional Church and, thus, develops information and promotes initiatives that will strengthen and empower church members to provide meaningful and effective ministry. Womack promotes the Lay Ministry Beliefs of Studying, Seeking, Sharing, and Serving, as we live out our purpose of building the Kingdom of God through lifestyle and service to others.

Further, the intent is to encourage positive role models, enhance Christian fellowship, and to develop and strengthen leadership both within the church and through community outreach efforts that support the needs of the local community. The Lay Council of Womack supports responsible Christian living and the stewardship of members’ time, talents, and resources. Praise God from whom all blessings flow






The Men’s Fellowship promotes the ministry of the Church in serving the needs and interest of men in the Church and Community. The Fellowship provides programs, strategies, curricula and resources that emphasize effective worship through participation and a systematic study of the Bible as the inspired Word of God.


The Men’s Fellowship seeks and takes advantage of opportunities to bond with other men in Jesus Christ through Christian fellowship.  The Men of the Fellowship support each other to meet the varied challenges of life pertinent to men.  It provides mentoring of boys, counsel for boys transitioning to men and help in identifying and utilizing each man’s spiritual gifts.


Womack’s Men’s Fellowship also engages in Christian service projects within the Church and Community.


For more information contact:









Min. Mwandishi Williamson

Director of the Board of Christian Education & Minister of the Church

Bruce Ward

Men to Men Fellowship President

Barbara Overton

President C.O.M.E

One of the most important functions of the Usher is to greet and welcome the congregation as they come in the door setting the atmosphere with Christian fellowship.


For more information contact:














THE WOMEN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY The purpose of the Missionary Society is to encourage cooperation, fellowship and mutual counsel concerning the spiritual life and religious activities of the Christian Church.


The Missionary Society encourages the study of the Bible and to assist in spreading the Gospel and also explores the needs of society in order to aid in the development of programs, people, processes and resources.  Such studies shall enable the Society to react cooperatively to the moral, ethical, and spiritual issues inherent in spreading the Gospel.


For more information contact:













THE STEWARD BOARDThe Steward Board functions as a Pastoral support team, administering to the needy and the distressed by seeking them out and helping to provide for them.  These individuals are persons of good natural and acquired ability to transact the temporal business of the Church.


For more information contact:















THE TRUSTEE BOARDThe Trustee Board in cooperation with the Pastor facilitates the daily operation of the Church.  The Trustee’s oversee the use and usage of Church property.


For more information contact:







Bruce Ward

Men to Men Fellowship President

Darnell Gee

Chairman of Trustee Board

Malaika Ward

Usher Board President

Dr. Talitha Anderson

Vice Chair of Steward Board & Technology Chair

Brenda Sallier

Chairman of Steward Board

Carolyn Carter

Missionary President

Nancy Grimes

Director of Youth

MUSIC MINISTRYIn Psalms 100: 1-2 King David implores us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.  Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing.


In the word of God, singing plays a prominent role.  The Music Ministry leads the Church in Praise and Worship in song.  It supports the Pastor by tilling the soil of our hearts in preparation of the planting of God’s word.


Womack CME. Is blessed to have several choirs:


The Womack Cathedral Choir           The Womack’s Children Choir

Florence Hayes, President               Florence Hayes, Director









The Men’s Fellowship Chorus        The Youth Choir


BOARD OF USHERS Psalms 84:10 … for a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand (days).  I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.


The function of the Ushers is to admit people to the House of Worship, attend to their comfort while they are therein, and perform any other duties assigned by the Pastor.


Florence Hayes

Director of Children's Work

BIBLE CAMP OUTREACH MINISTRY The Bible Camp meets every Wednesday from 5:30pm-8pm. Children of all ages are welcome. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)


The Bible Camp offers:

• After school tutoring

• Leadership Instruction

• Exploring the word of God

• Christian recreation and fellowship

• Singing, Stepping, Crafts, games and hot meals


(Ezekiel 37:10) So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them and they lived and stood upon their feet an exceedingly great army.


The Bible Camps goal is to bring the Love of God to our Church Community.


For more information contact:









YOUNG ADULTS FELLOWSHIPThis is a ministry of creating young adults that will walk with faith in God. We encourage young men and woman to seek God in all their doings and become mentored in the work of the Church so that the life of the Church is sustained.


For more information contact:










CLASS LEADERS All members of Womack Memorial CME Church are assigned to class leaders. Class leaders are the contact persons of the congregation that keep up with a selected group of individuals of the congregation. The purpose of this organization is to ensure through communication the welfare of all membership.


For more information contact:







Pauline Smith

Leader of Leaders

Donna Brown

Sunday School Superintendent & Director of Children's Outreach Ministry Bible Camp

Min. Tasha Marshall Ratcliff

Director of Young Adult Ministry & Minister of the Church

THE STEWARDESS BOARD The Stewardess Board is entrusted to provide for God’s Holy ordinances in faith hope and love to all that is sanctified in the Church.  A few of the duties of the Stewardess is to serve the table of the Lord, the table of the poor, the table of the ministry and other work that might be assigned to them by the pastor.


For more information contact: Beverly Love or









COMMISSION ON SOCIAL CONCERNSThe focus of this Commission is the healing of brokenness in the local community.  The Commission on Social Concerns’ role is to increase the Church’s presence in the Community in the issues of economics, social justice, politics, health and wellness and peace and goodwill.  This Commission serves as a bridge between the Church and the Community and seeks to illuminate the Community with the Light of God’s love through the endeavors and love from Womack.


For more information contact: Toni Wilson



CHILDREN AND YOUTH MINISTRIES In the animal world, as in the movie The Lion King, the groups live in packs, known as a “Pride”. The adult male and female animals work together to nurture, teach and guide the younger members of the species, creating a strong family organization. This is the type of atmosphere the Womack Memorial CME Church family is creating for our children. From birth through young adult and beyond we encourage their progress and nurture them mentally and physically to walk in the way of the Lord, to read the bible and to pray.


 The Children and Youth Ministries of Womack CME has the responsibility of training our Children and Youth in Christian Living.  This is achieved through Worship, Bible study, Christian service and the opportunity for self expression by utilizing their God given gifts in service to God and the Church


For more information contact:














Gerald Glover (Young Lions)

Florence Hayes

Director of Children's Work

Nancy Grimes

Director of Youth

Julia Lindsay

President of Stewardesses

Note:  To our visitors…





Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love!

The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.


Before our Father’s throne we pour our ardent prayers;

Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, our comforts, and our cares.


We share our mutual woes, our mutual burdens bear,

And often for each other flows the sympathizing tear.


When we asunder part, it gives us inward pain;

But we shall still be joined in heart, and hope to meet again.



The words of this familiar hymn conveys our prayer to God for you.


The Womack Memorial CME Family extends a Christian welcome to you. We hope that something was said or done that would lead you to worship with us again.

The Womack Memorial church family also thanks God for you, and we thank you for sharing your worship and praise with us.

To God be the Glory for all that He has done.




• The Outreach Ministry serves boys and girls in the community with an emphasis on leadership skills, with tutoring & recreation being part of the program.




The Womack Memorial C.M.E. Church family thank God for the dedication of the Pastor’s that have shepherded this flock and the members and friends, past and present who have given of themselves to the growth of this great Congregation.

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